速報APP / 財經 / Retirement Fund Calculations

Retirement Fund Calculations





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本


Retirement Fund Calculations(圖1)-速報App

Retirement fund calculations are on a single screen for simplified use and quick results. Calculations produce the value of the fund when you reach 65 as well as the monthly income from the fund for a 30 year retirement period. Use the on screen keyboard. Start by typing the present value of your fund (F) or 0 if there isn't any balance, then your age (A), then your annual gross pay/salary (S), then the % of your salary/pay to be contributed to the fund - including your employers contribution if any(%S to F:), then your expected salary/pay annual increase in % (S+%), then the long term prospectus of your fund in % to be used to age 60 (F+% to 60), then a lower risk fund prospectus that will be used from age 60 and during retirement (F+% to 95). After each entry tap E/. key.

Retirement Fund Calculations(圖2)-速報App

Retirement Fund Calculations(圖3)-速報App